Monday, September 30, 2019

Investigation into the Judgements of Slang

Whenever we open our mouths, judgements are made on our social class, intelligence and even personalities. These judgements are based on various speech elements, such as our accent, dialect, vocabulary and use of slang. It is the latter that this study is based on. The particular type of slang I intend to focus on has recently emerged alongside a new speech pattern known as Multi Ethnic Youth Dialect. (MEYD) My aim is to investigate whether there is a correlation between slang use and negative judgements made on the user. Secondly, as slang is frequently compared to Halliday's Anti-Language hypothesis, I intend to see if it can rationally be seen as such. I also wish to investigate whether specific lexical items a slang user deploys will affect the judgements. Much of the slang used takes origins from gang and drug culture and as a result my hypothesis is that if speakers use slang that holds its origins in these backgrounds, people are likely to extend the negative attributes that are assigned to gang members and drug users and thus label the speakers as violent drug users. I also hypothesise that users of slang will be judged more negatively than non-users of slang. Methodology In my study I will research the slang itself and the opinions people have on slang speakers. I will use recordings of slang speakers which I will analyse, and I shall conduct a survey to collect data on people's opinions. I have gathered four different recordings of youths speaking slang to varying degrees. I am aware that controlling extraneous variables will be difficult but I have attempted to do so by ensuring all speakers use non-standard English (evidenced by their universal use of glottal stops) and that all use either MEYD or Estuary English (EE). Though it would be preferable to have all speakers using MEYD I found that as slang is so deeply entwined with usage of this dialect I was not able to find speakers who used lesser amounts of slang in this dialect. I intend to give four questionnaires (one for each recording) to each participant. The questionnaire will list attributes and after the participant has heard each recording they will be asked to rate the speaker out of four for each attribute (for example, one attribute may be how aggressive the participant is, one would be not at all aggressive, whilst four would be very aggressive) Once I have collected my data, I shall analyse the speakers' language usage and the questionnaire results. I will look for a correlation between language and attributes assigned to speakers, in particular how negatively they are viewed in relation to their slang use. I am aware I cannot practically use as large a sample size as would be desirable, however, I shall take this into account when assessing my results. Analysis Multi Ethnic Youth Dialect (MEYD) In recent years, a dialect known as Multi Ethnic Youth Dialect has emerged. A wealth of research has already been conducted on this accent by such linguists as Sue Fox and David Britain. Though research has mostly been conducted into Multi-cultural London English (MLE) this is just one example of MEYD that is spread across different areas in the country. MEYD derives from multicultural diversity in inner city areas. Increased immigration in cities has lead to various forms of English merging. For the most part the predominant form of English is that spoken in Britain, but it is not uncommon to hear vocabulary that has derived from alternate forms such as the Jamaican Creole. The slang of MEYD derives from a variety of different dialects and creoles. Though I intend to focus on slang, there are several other notable features: An extremely rhythmic speech pattern deriving from West Indes' speech is typical. This rhythmic style of speaking is noticeable in speakers' use of plosives: For example the unvoiced dental fricative in â€Å"thing† being substituted with the voiceless dental plosive so that it is pronounced â€Å"ting†. Use of the glottal stop is also common, resulting from the influence of Estuary English of which the glottal stop is a defining element. These features are all used by speaker one when he says:- â€Å"you have a li*le (.) play area ting inni* where you can just go cotch† The â€Å"cotch† derives from the Jamaican Creole, the use of glottal stops are denoted by asterisks and â€Å"Thing† has been pronounced with the voiceless dental plosive reflecting the rhythmic features of MEYD. MEYD as Anti-Language In many ways, the use of MEYD by youths fits into the idea of anti-language developed by Halliday. In an anti-language words are used in an attempt to exclude people who are not members of the anti-language's discourse community. The dialect of some of my speakers fits well into the idea of anti-language. As Halliday's fourth requirement of an anti-language states the grammar of MEYD is virtually identical to the norm. Though there are some exceptions to the rule such as the second speaker's use of â€Å"you revved† instead of â€Å"you're revved† which derives from the Jamaican Creoles distinct pronoun use. However, the general rules of English grammar are for the most part entirely kept. Halliday's third rule dictates the main linguistic deviation in an anti-language is the lexis. This rule is followed by MEYD speakers and a great variety of lexis which does not adhere to common usage is displayed; for example the first speaker uses the term â€Å"cake† in place of â€Å"being looked for by police† though the word â€Å"cake† could be found in the dictionary, its definition would be entirely different from what the speaker uses it to mean. Halliday's suggestion is that an anti-language is born out of the speakers desire to distance themselves from accepted society. Though this would be difficult to prove of the speakers, it would be likely considering ideas of â€Å"youth rebellion† alongside the fact that most speakers of this form of slang are of the younger generation. Were MEYD to be considered an anti-language this would be hugely relevant to my study. As anti-language demonstrates a desire to be distanced from the norm, it is frequently linked with criminality and rebellious behaviour; this is not helped by the air of secrecy that surrounds anti-language making it difficult for non-users to understand. Lexis (Speaker 1/Very strong slang) The first speaker uses more slang words than any of the other speakers, for this reason, he can be seen as an example of very strong slang. However, to gain a full understanding of the slang he uses, it is necessary to examine the lexis he uses. The first non-standard word used is the concrete noun â€Å"crib†. The word originates from Northern America, initially meaning a â€Å"disreputable bar or brothel†. Since the mid nineteenth century amelioration has occurred and it is used simply to mean home. However, it is still mildly associated with criminality . The next word â€Å"innit†, is an abbreviation of â€Å"isn't it†. The word is not attached to a question but used as a filler or hedge that backs up as a rhetorical device. By using the term â€Å"innit† at the end of a sentence the speaker asks a rhetorical question. Though the question does not necessarily have to be answered it nonetheless seems to be intended to engage the receiver's attention. Though using the word, the receiver has directly been addressed and therefore brought further into the conversation. Despite its rhetorical advantages it is possible that from a prescriptivist point of view, the shortening may be perceived as a result of the speaker's laziness. The first speaker also uses the term â€Å"mans† which though not strictly lexical slang is nonetheless noteworthy. It is highly probable that the term â€Å"mans† derives from an overextension of the standard rules of pluralisation by people to whom English isn't 1st Language. The regular rules of pluralisation have been applied to the irregular plural â€Å"men†. Though the word â€Å"mans† would seem the most logical plural to apply it is grammatically incorrect as â€Å"men† is a plural group noun and thus it is highly likely judgements would be made on intelligence and education. The attributive adjective â€Å"hot† is used to mean â€Å"wanted by police†. The term has British origins and was initially used by thieves to describe stolen goods around the time of 1925. Broadening of the term has since occurred and not only objects but also people can be described as hot, this is demonstrated by the use of the adjective in reference to a person. It is not hard to see how the origins of the term may increase people's likelihood to assume criminality in the speaker. The word â€Å"cake† serves as a synonym to â€Å"hot†. It is also notable that through the speaker's use of slang he is unlikely to be viewed as well spoken and this may be judged to be of low intelligence. Alongside this, if we accept the suggestion of MEYD as a type of anti-language the speaker may be deemed as rebellious or associated with criminality. Lexis (Speaker 2/Strong slang) The second speaker does not use as much slang as the first; however it is still necessary to have a familiarity with the vocabulary he uses to gain a full understanding of his speech. He can for this reason be seen as an example of strong slang. He uses the verbal phrase â€Å"tripping out† which originates from 1970's slang. The initial term being â€Å"Acid Trip† which described a hallucinogenic experience caused by LSD. The verbal phrase originated from this and broadened to mean being under the influence of any type of drug and later to simply mean â€Å"acting crazy or funny†. Regardless of the effect of broadening many people still take the phrase to mean being under the influence of drugs and thus may associate the speaker with drug use. As with the first speaker, the word â€Å"cake† is used and one would assume similar effects to arise. Though it is notable that the word simply appears in a list of slang words the speaker has heard and so the effects may not be as extreme. The adjective â€Å"revved† has complex origins. Its original form was the abstract noun â€Å"revolutions†. The noun was used in reference to a car's revolutions and abbreviated to â€Å"rev† for ease of use. From this use the verb â€Å"to rev† was created via conversion and â€Å"to rev a car† meant â€Å"to force the engine to produce revs†. From this the passive stative verb form â€Å"to be revved† was used in reference to being excited, in this sense the word is a metaphor comparing the excited state of a person with a car producing several â€Å"revolutions† allowing it to go faster. The adjective â€Å"revved† finally derived from this. The term however can also be used to mean â€Å"under the influence of drugs† and as a result it is possible that speakers may again associate the speaker with drug culture. As with the first speaker, it is again possible that the second user of slang will be deemed as â€Å"not very well spoken† and possibly â€Å"unintelligent† or â€Å"uneducated† simply for his using slang. It is also noticeable that he says â€Å"you† in place of â€Å"you're†, this deviation from the standard derives from the Jamaican Creole but its grammatical incorrectness is again likely to make listeners deem the speaker unintelligent regardless of his genuine attributes. Lexis (Speaker 3/Weak slang) Unlike the first two speakers, no knowledge of slang or MEYD is required to understand the third speaker. Though slang is used, it is applied within the context of discussing slang terms. The speaker also does not use several features that are common in MEYD such as rhythmic pronunciation or loan words from ethnic minorities. The language used by the speaker fits more into the category of Estuary English (EE) than it does MEYD. Due to these features I have chosen to use this speaker as an example of Weak Slang. The speaker uses the term â€Å"busted† but in the sentence â€Å"I wouldn't say busted† thus denying any links with the word. Another word used is â€Å"bun† which was initially meant â€Å"tart† or â€Å"slag†. The adjective is English in origin and entered mainstream usage in the late nineteenth century. The speaker also talks about the attributive adjective â€Å"butters† that means â€Å"ugly†. It is most likely of UK origin and probably derives from clipping the phrase â€Å"butt-ugly†. The adjective's meaning has also broadened so that it can be used to refer to anything that causes aesthetic displeasure while previously it could only be used in reference to people. The term â€Å"minging† is an converted adjective from the derogatory noun â€Å"minger† that derives from the Scottish phrase â€Å"ming† meaning â€Å"stink†. The specific lexis of the speaker's vocabulary does not hold negative connotations. It is, however, possible that due to the fact all slang used by the speaker is in some way derogatory, judgements may be made on her friendliness. It is also possible that through using slang the speaker may be deemed â€Å"poorly spoken† or â€Å"unintelligent† Lexis (Speaker 4/No Slang) The final speaker uses no slang and is simply in this study to act a control which should enable me to determine the extent the data gained from the questionnaires is due to slang. Results With shocking regularity, the results followed a distinct pattern. On almost all categories the two speakers of strong slang are rated very poorly (the speaker of very strong slang coming lowest) followed by the speaker of weak slang, who tends to fair comparatively well in people's judgements. With no exception at all, the speaker who does not use slang is seen by people as the least aggressive, most educated, most friendly, hardest working, most intelligent and best spoken. 60% of people said the non-slang user was highly likely to develop a successful career compared to the very strong-slang speaker, who was deemed highly likely to fail a job interview by 70%. If we take an average score of each participant, inversing the characteristics seen as negative (so a score of 4 on aggression would be calculated as a 1) we can see how well each speaker is perceived to conform to the idea of a good and productive member of society. Looking at this â€Å"good citizen† rating, we see the same pattern emerge: Again, a direct correlation is visible between how favourably the speaker is looked upon and the degree of slang they use. Conclusions We can confidently assert that in this study there is an evident relationship between slang usage and the judgements made of individuals. However, an interesting question is whether the specific lexical items used have a direct relationship with the judgments made. If we look back to the previous analysis of the speakers' vocabulary, and assume that specific lexical items do have a relationship with the judgements made, we would be led to believe the very strong slang speaker would come out worst in all categories, with the exception of â€Å"likelihood to take drugs† which would be dominated by the strong slang speaker. Interestingly this is exactly the case. The â€Å"likelihood to take drugs† category is the only exception to the general principle that the very strong slang user is judged least favourable. The data collected would lead us to believe that: Slang is in fact an anti-language, or at least perceived as one. This is reflected by the fact that the stronger speakers of slang were judged to not conform to the notion of good citizenship. Users of slang are judged more negatively than non-users of slang. The more slang is used, the more negative the judgements. This is demonstrated in the consistent pattern of the results; with the strongest slang user being judged worst, and the non-slang user being judged best. Judgements made on slang speakers have a direct relationship with the specific lexical items used. This is suggested in the strong slang speaker (who used slang derived from drug culture) being judged more likely to take drugs than the very strong slang speaker. Evaluation In any investigation, an inquiring mind is necessary, and for this reason there are several issues of validity that we must discuss. Our only evidence for suggesting that specific lexical items impact the judgements made is that the strong slang speaker was judged higher than the very strong slang speaker in his likelihood to take drugs. However, the strong slang speaker is not judged particularly higher than the very strong slang speaker thus we cannot completely assert that it is indefinitely due to his specific vocabulary, although we can speculate. Were the suggestion correct, only a small difference would be expected, as judgement on specific lexical items requires participants to have knowledge of slang used and it is unlikely that they all would. The results do not hold infinite validity, and there are undoubtedly extraneous variables however they are consistent, though we cannot completely label the results as coming from the suggested cause: One could potentially put the results down to people judging the two females higher or judging the two northerners lower. But this would still not answer the question as to why participants rated the individual females or northerners in the order they did with such consistently. One alternative explanation is that there was an apparent correlation between the class speakers were judged to be, and the participants perception of these speakers (the lower the speaker's class, the worse they were judged) The class measurement was, however, simply a judgement made of the speakers, not an actual measurement, and so one would have to explain why the speakers were judged to be the class they were, which seems to take us full circle, and back to their usage of slang as an explanation. While the results do not prove the hypothesis, they undoubtedly suggest it. To know the hypothesis' results for sure, further study would be needed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Blozis Company Essay

New computer based information system will be taking into consideration for improving procurement efficiency, but only after process improvement has achieved to the desired level. But there are some competitive advantages that Blozis has in order to make the necessary changes to improve its operations in general:1) Blozis’ sales are 16 million mainly of units designed to customer specifications. 2) The Company produces its own products to be sold off-the-shelf. Part 6: Alternatives An alternative to the Company is to hire a consulting firm in order to make a diagnosis of the Supply Chain as a whole with the purpose of reorganizing the supply chain activities as well as the human resources that it seems is completely out of control. If this study is conducted will be eliminating some of the practices such as the president likes to operate â€Å"informally† which is seen as a normal practice to the employees. Also, certain suppliers issue products to Blozis without a receipt of a PO. This business practice is a result of â€Å"good faith† but results in mismanagement of product creating loses to the company and poor customer service. Part 7: Recommendations In order to set up the proper procedures in the Supply Chain, Blozis will need to take the first step on investing in an ERP/EDI and encourage its suppliers to do the same in order to correct the malfunction when placing and receiving orders. The main purpose is to improve the whole Supply Chain processes as well as Human Resources and Account Payable. New computer system – System unable to support new changes, then try to modify the original design. 3. Unable to implement new procedures – continue the talks with key department teams and management teams in order to reach new agreements. 4. Unable to test the system – continue working with the different areas in order to gather all the information and resources necessary. Part 10: Conclusion and Management Plan In conclusion, Blozis is facing a challenging situation due to lack of procedures leading to a complete disorganization among departments. The situation is not different from other organizations but others have been able to find the solution by establishing clear procedures and investing in new technologies. Blozis makes $16 million on sales, amount large enough to develop a 5-Yr plan to incorporate new software to its systems. The results should be a more efficient Supply Chain that it will allow the Company to achieve its targets, improve internal and external customer service, and generate savings throughout the organization.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reflecting on what Amal tells us, discuss the ways in which Map of Essay

Reflecting on what Amal tells us, discuss the ways in which Map of Love comments on the following common assumptions about gender relations - Essay Example Some things have not changed, and this is evident in the gender roles that are discussed in the context of both British and Egyptian society. The Map of Love is a story of love written by a woman, as only a woman could tell it. Never lacking in emotion or intrigue, the book shows that history can repeat itself in strange ways. It is the story of two tales of love, about a century apart. Going back to 1901, we see that Anna Winterbourne has been recently widowed and is strangely attracted to an Egyptian nationalist by the name of Sharif Pasha Al-Barudi. At the time the Middle East was under British control. The ever dutiful Anna had been relegated to a life at home while her husband was stationed in Sudan. When he develops a sickness and cannot be nursed back to health, she becomes despondent and melancholy. Despite her best efforts, she finds a chasm between them which she cannot reduce, and ends up blaming herself†¦Ã¢â‚¬  if she had loved him better, perhaps he would have not needed to go to the Sudan. If she had understood him better, perhaps she could have nursed him back to health† (Souief, 2000, 41). The Victorian rules and attitude show that the woman’s place in the British household of 1900 was not far from that of a rudimentary society such as Egypt. No wonder she decides to travel to a new and distant country in search of adventure, and in the process is attracted to the young and robust nationalist. It is an escape from a life of emptiness and drudgery. This Victorian despondency is also seen in Charlotte Parker Gilman’s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ and Kate Chopin’s ‘The Story of an Hour’- but each chooses to deal with it in an entirely different way. Moving forward to the present, we see that Isabel too has fallen in love with Amal’s brother Omar but he is not reciprocating his thoughts or feelings. Aware of his Arabic traditions, he prefers to send Isabel to his sister Amal rather than help

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ecotourism in the UK Tourism Market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ecotourism in the UK Tourism Market - Assignment Example In this regard, the dimension of eco-tourism has gained relevance in the global market in the past few decades. It has its relevance primarily in the niche market and is trying to gain sustainable development. Ecotourism is different from the other forms of travelling as it focuses on conserving natural areas by sharing knowledge and educating the people about the benefits of these resources. Ecotourism as per the researchers is interested in wasteland locations and pristine areas. Ecotourism creates benefits by travelling in natural areas and exhibiting education to the people (Wood, 2002). However, the approach of ecotourism might neither be able to replace the existing tourism activities nor will it be able to sustain the competitive market. This essay intends to evaluate relevance of the eco-tourism and its failure in the United Kingdom through appropriate examples. In addition, the potential and role of ecotourism in the UK and the form through which it can be administered will also be determined. Ecotourism It is a ‘nature- based’ tourism which is an effective tool for the development of environment by appreciating and adoring the natural resources without disturbing it. It is an important form of travelling as it is effective in educating the people regarding the conservation of the natural areas. ... A few of the new tourism areas which have come into relevance due to ecotourism are the desert areas and tropical areas which are poor and underdeveloped. The eco-tourism explores areas which are rich in heritage and encompasses the protected landscape for the purpose of travelling. These areas can be the national parks and castles as well (Wood, 2002; The International Ecotourism Society, 2000). One of the key issues with respect to ecotourism is that anyone can use the name to promote its tourism as it has no rules and restrictions on its use. It is used for the purpose of marketing without really exploring the natural areas and at times its name is misused for the promotion of tourism industry (Wood, 2002). Ecotourism Not Promoted As a Major Sector in the UK Tourism Market The key problem that is associated with ecotourism in the United Kingdom includes a lack of destination which is left unexplored by the tourism industry. Moreover, the UK has less natural areas such as forests a nd deserts which can be discovered and explained by educating people through tourism. Also, the UK is unable to satisfy the standards of the small scale tourism which is orthodox in nature. The increasing population of the UK is also affecting the presence of eco-tourism as the number of the natural areas is reducing with the rise in the habitants. According to statistics, it is estimated that the population of the UK might increase by nearly 4.3 million by 2018 which would affect ecotourism (Office for National Statistics, 2013). In terms of another crucial determinant, it can be affirmed that the demography of a country also influences the ecotourism to a certain extent. The main tourists of ecotourism are youngsters, mid-aged

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Management accounting - Essay Example Question 1 A modern firm is a learning firm which learns from history and plans for the future (Campbell and Huffington, 2008). This is where management via accounting comes in as a way to learn. Accounting processes gather and organises information which can then be used to identify trends in the market (Bhimani and Bromwich, 2009). Just like humans look at past trends and predict the future, organisations can look at these trends in the past and know what the future will be. The modern organisation has not only learnt how to predict the future, it has also learnt how to change the future and determine what the future will be. According to Chandler (1977), this ability of the organisation to not only know and predict the future, but also change the future and determine what will happen with a high precision is what makes the modern organisation so different from the enterprises of earlier days. Chandler looks at the modern organisation not only as a person, but as a society of peopl e. As he says, instead of the earlier model of organisation which used to be run as stand alone unitary organisation, the modern organisation is a network of sub divisions, each of which are sophisticated enough to be run on their own. In other words, these subdivisions within the organisation are like organisations on their own, only that they are run under a bigger umbrella organization. When an organisation is made of a network of organisations, sharing of information between these units in order to make sure that processes among these organisations are carried out efficiently becomes critical (Hoskin and Macve, 1990). This is because this leads to the following important factors; Increased efficiency Increased efficiency in an organisation is important as it does not only reduce costs but also makes it possible for the organisation to be able to access the market in an easier way (Freeman, 2010). For instance, if the marketing department in an organisation is able to share accur ate information about the market with the manufacturing department, it becomes easier for the manufacturing department to plan their manufacturing processes. This makes it possible for the manufacturing department in such an organisation to plan for labour, raw materials and storage facilities thus saving on costs and also being able to deliver the products to the market at the right time. Management via accounting only helps an organisation to achieve efficiencies if the organisation acts like a society of people which can learn from each other and make the society better. Modern organisation therefore use management via accounting like a mind that is always learning to be better and to perform better as times passes along. Cash Flow Predictability Organisations can easily predict and plan for cash flow processes. If the organisation can easily know when the demand will rise in the market, they are better prepared to know when to produce, when to hire more labour, when to do market ing and when to borrow money. This is only achieved through sharing of management information within the organisation and thus making it easy for the firm to know when it will receive the money and when to get external funding (Bardoliwalla, Buscemi and Broady, 2009). Furthermore, when an organisation has this kind of information, they are able to have

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nike Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nike Analysis - Case Study Example For fiscal year May 31, 2009, the company has reported revenues of more than $19 billion. These figures include sales for affiliate businesses such as Converse, Umbro, Cole Haan and Hurley International. While the company has recorded a 6% drop in its return on investment (ROI), Nike’s performance between 2005 and 2009 is so much better compared to the top 500 S&P companies. Nike’s success may be traced back to capacity to tap into the international market, which accounts for more than half of the company’s sales. Aside from this, Nike has chosen various Asian countries for their contract manufacturing base, allowing them to take advantage of low operational costs and even lower wages. Known best for its â€Å"Just Do It† Campaign which started in 1988, Nike has struggled with issues involving violations of human and labor rights, and deficiencies in health and safety conditions (Ferrell et al., 2011, p. 387). Like most companies that had to face human rig hts allegations, Nike’s response was slow and ineffective. According to an Amnesty International (AI) report, the company’s response may be summarized in four stages: denial, blame others, damage control, reassert control over damaged corporate image, and give appearance of compliance (Avery, 1999). At the beginning, Nike reiterated the efforts the company is making to improve working conditions and raising wages in countries where their factory is located. In a statement, Philip Knight said, â€Å"every Nike subcontractor is subject to systematic, unannounced evaluation carried out by Ernst & Young and that our own reviews†¦have shown that the Code [of conduct] is complied with in all material means† (as cited in Avery, 1999). Unfortunately, the review evaluation carried out by Ernst & Young did not reveal how may factories were actually audited and what tools were used to carry out its evaluation. Moreover, hiring its own evaluators to assess the companyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s operational practices was counterproductive, according to the company’s detractors. For one, how can a company release a negative report against the same people who are providing them with business? Moreover, as a growing company, Nike was too busy fulfilling client orders, its hiring and standard operating procedures were not yet a subject of scrutiny – until the Asian employees started their strike, that is. With thousands of people in their employ and hundreds of factory locations around the world, Nike failed to institute an internal auditing system (and an internal auditor) which could have helped them ensure the highly viable working conditions they wanted to provide. Another issue that led to Nike’s failure to address corporate responsibility earlier is the presence of a contract manufacture base denuded the company’s ability to monitor the activities in all its subcontracting plants. In addition, because many of the contracting plants wer e located in Asian countries, Nike should have installed an in-house representative who is tasked of ensuring that the new manufacturing plant has adopted the Code of Conduct. Transitions should have been made, and regular audit should have been scheduled to monitor the plant’s performance and adherence to the Code. Aside from its labor issues in the Asian territories, Nike has also earned the disagreement of several thousand people who were formerly employees

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

SQL database paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SQL database paper - Essay Example The customerID field is a unique area because each customer will have their unique customerID thus the reason for its use as the primary key. The newly introduced tables allow us to have several booked tours associated with a customer thus increasing the flexibility of the system. It also reduces the storage space required. The tour1NF tables are added to allow customers to make several orders (â€Å"Informix Guide†, 1998). A table that keeps tours sold and tour customer data, holds, address, customer name, city, zip code state, tour(s) selected, total amount paid and the number of persons in the tour. Therefore, the structure will be able to show the customer in case he/she books more than once. Data modelling refers the process of examining data-oriented structures, in that you single out entity types into which attributes are assigned to. The conceptual model can be used to represent the data above. To make the table2NF compliant we introduce the customerID field as the primary key of the customer table and the foreign key of the newly created table in 1NF tours selected table. This makes the table 2NF compliant. Using the salesperson table that was described earlier the most appropriate trigger would be a Data Modelling Language (DML) trigger. The trigger is initiated every moment the salesperson sales a tour. In the new data model the customer information is subsidiary to sales information, the trigger is identified as â€Å"for each statement type† and is an additional data set for the salesperson each time the tour booking triggers the event. Using the salesperson table described the appropriate trigger would be a Data Manipulation Language (DML) trigger and would be initiated each time a tour operator sells a new tour. Under the new structure in which the client information is subordinate to sales information, this trigger would be identified as â€Å"for each statement type† and would add data set for the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Informatics in Dental Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Informatics in Dental Education - Essay Example Yet actual applications and studies in this area are a relatively recent phenomenon. In the world of speed, accuracy and compaction, none would make a dentist's best secretary than the computing systems that virtually rule all areas of life. The benefits that computer and information technology can provide to the field of dentistry may as well set it apart from all the dentistry that has been carried out as a separate era. IT and dentistry have just started to converge, and it is only a matter of time before the full extent of the union will be known. What is heartening to know is the awareness dentists have about the role of computers in their dental setup, and other work places such as educational institutes, and conferences etc.With more and more advancement in the teaching methods around the world, it is not surprising that computers and IT are being utilized as teaching aids to dentistry. These softwares have been given many names, including Computer Aided Instruction or CAI, Computer Assisted Learning or CAL, instructional soft ware, and Computer Based Training or CBT. (Schleyer & Johnson, Nov. 2003) The functions of these soft wares are of two types. While the course management tools are aimed to help teachers maintain their schedules and different aspects of teaching and curriculum methodology, the other use is ways to increase a student's access to the educational material apart from the traditional paper book concept. The use of such materials in dentistry teaching has given many positive feedback comments, as the teach er or instructor is able to choose from a variety of ways to teach a subject. With the help of pictures and presentations and clips, the teacher is able to convey the concepts in a show tell way. The hard wares and the soft wares are mostly integrated in the teaching program. All that remains is for the teachers to be well versed in the using of such tools. (Schleyer & Johnson, Nov. 2003) There are very few researchers who are involved in studying ht effects of digital dentistry, IT and CBT in the overall scene of dental education. Of these the works of Johnson and Schleyer are perhaps the most contributory. These two gentlemen have helped in clearing many of the issues of digital dentistry, while inviting us to understand the different complexities that may be caused by such devices. Awareness of IT and distance education has led to many conclusions. For example, the World Health Organization maintains that students and their cultural differences and requirements should be the prime focus of providing dental education. This can only be achieved by sharing different aspects of curriculum designing and outlining. By providing and sharing this information, it will be easier for students to access different educational pursuits across the world with ease. The use of intra and extra net is another contributory factor that can be implemented within the learning methods and systems. (Yip, 1999) I.T and integration of computer technology will help in building careers and technology skills, increase the information assimilation skills, will expand learning opportunities for those who may not access such directly, help in increasing the level

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Culture of Dissent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Culture of Dissent - Essay Example Muto Ichiyo is well known in Japan as a scholar of contemporary Japanese politics and society, and for his involvement in peace movements and people’s movements. He was a prominent member of the 1960s anti-Vietnam War movement.Ichigo begins his article, â€Å"Asian Peace Movements and Empire† with a summary of events beginning in Oct. 2001 and the establishment of the Asian Peace Alliance. As part of that network, it was hoped to create a response to the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan that was representative of all Asian people. Ichigo goes into more detail about Asia’s own problems: the nuclear confrontation between Indian and Pakistan, fundamentalist fighting in India, and human rights violations among others. But in analyzing the conference on Asian Peace he acknowledges that 40% of the discussion revolved around â€Å"the American War†, with the majority of participants concluding that the ensuing violence against civilians had nothing to do with the wis hes of the American populace, but was rather the imperialists justifying a global pacification scheme. He uses the term neoliberal globalization and states the war was integral to that process, and as a result, it â€Å"wreaked havoc† on the world.One of the most forceful voices in clarifying what all of these writers are saying is that of Arundhati Roy in â€Å"The Algebra of Infinite Justice†. Infinite Justice was originally the name for Operation Enduring Freedom until complaints were made by Muslims, who stated only Allah could mete out infinite justice.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Low Involvement Theory Essay Example for Free

Low Involvement Theory Essay 1.0 BACKGROUND OF FOUNDER They are two founders who developed Interpersonal Deception Theory. Judee Burgoon or known as Professor Burgoon is the director of Human Communication Research for The Management of Information Centre. Besides that, she is also She is Professor of Communication and Professor of Family Studies and Human Development at the University of Arizona She was the PHD holder from West Virgina University. Professor Burgoon has authored 7 books and over 240 articles, chapters and reviews related to nonverbal and relational communication, interpersonal relationship, the impact of new communication technologies on human and human-computer interaction, and other researches. Among the theories that she almost notably linked are Interpersonal Adaptation Theory, Expectancy Violations Theory and Interpersonal Deception Theory. During her career, she has received many awards such as, NCA’s Golden Anniversary Monographs Awards, the Charles H. Woolbert Research Award for Scholarship of Lasting Impact. In 1999, she got the National Communication Association’s Distinguished Scholar Award, its highest award for lifetime of scholarly achievement. While in 2006, she awarded the Steven Chaffee Career Productivity Award. The awards that she gained show that she was talented American Academic. The second founder is David Buller. Professor David Buller was the Professor at Northern Illinois University. He was the philosophy professor. Besides that he also was the writer. Among his publication are Function, Selection and Design, in 1999, Adapting Minds, Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature in 2005. He has also contributed a lot in writing articles to books and journals. During his career, Buller has experience in finance, management, operations and sales. He has served as chairman of the Writing Committee for Social Studies Standards for Minnesota public schools. In his community he has served on the Hugo Planning Commission and political party precinct chair. As an active member of several professional organizations, he has been president of both the Strategic Leadership Forum and the Association for Corporate Growth. He was also a leader of the Edison Electric Institute Strategy Group and the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals. He was graduated from the Centre for Business Intelligence. He was died in 2011. 2.0 BACKGROUND OF THEORY Interpersonal deception theory (IDT) explain the interplay between active deceivers and detectors who communicate with multiple motives, who behave strategically, whose communication behaviours mutually influence one another to produce a sequence of moves and countermoves, and whose communication is influenced by the situation in which the deception transpires (EmGriffin, 2000). IDT attempts to explain the manner in which individuals deal with actual or perceived deception on the conscious and subconscious levels while engaged in face-to-face communication (Buller, 1996). This theory is an interpersonal theory that a set of unchanging assumptions concerning interpersonal communication in general and deception in particular. This theory is developed by Judee Burgoon and David Buller. The core ideas of IDT can be divided into two which are Interpersonal communication is interactive and strategies deception demands mental effort. Firstly, interpersonal communication is interactive means that interaction, rather than individuality, is at the core of their theory. For instance, if the encounter between you and Pat actually took place, both of you would be active participants, constantly adjusting your behaviour in response to feedback from each other. Whatever story you tell, you shouldnt expect Pat to remain verbally and nonverbally mute (EmGriffin, 2000). (Judee K.Burgoon, 1996) Second idea is strategies deception demands mental efforts which means that successful deceiver must consciously manipulate information to create a plausible message, present it in a sincere manner, monitor reactions, prepare follow-up responses, and get ready for damage control of a tarnished image-all at the same time. For example, If you choose to be less than honest in your surprise encounter with Pat, you may find yourself unable to attend to every aspect of deception, and some of your communication behaviour will go on automatic pilot. (EmGriffin, 2000). 3.0 MAIN CONCEPTS/ VARIABLES 3.1 Leakage Leakage concept is the behaviour outside of the deceptive Sender’s conscious control, mostly nonverbal in character, can signal dishonesty and it is applied in IDT. The concept was developed by Miron Zuckerman, who created a four-factor model to explain when and why leakage is apt to occur (A.Fos, 2005). First, deceiver’s intense attempt to control information can produce performances that come across as too slick. Second, lying causes physiological arousal. Third, the predominant felt emotions that accompany deceit are guilt and anxiety. Fouth, the complex cognitive factors involved in deception can tax the brain beyond its capacity (EmGriffin, 2000). Under the four-factor model the extreme concentration required by an individual engaged in deception and employing the compensating mechanisms to mask that deceit may result in their performance appearing polished or rehearsed. Lying also causes a sender to become psychologically and physiological aroused. Suc h arousal is difficult to mask and will eventually evidence itself. It is this very principle on which the polygraph machine is base (A.Fos, 2005). 3.2 Truth bias According to Burgoon and Buller, people tend to regard interpersonal message as honest, complete, direct, relevant and clear although when the speaker lying to them. McCornack claims that there exists an implied social contract that all of us will be honest with each other. It means that a mutual understanding that our messages will reflect reality as we know it. Besides that, Burgoon and Buller also convinced that people who know and like each other are particularly resistant to doubting ach others’ words. For example, the warmth relationships are motivated to find truth in whatever the other says and thus overlook or rationalize away statements that others might find questionable. (EmGriffin, 2000). 3.3 Suspicion Buller and Burgoon picture suspicion as a mid-range mind-set, located somewhere between truth and falsity. In spite of the many ways that respondents could become suspicious, Buller and Burgoon have found that it’s difficult to induce a deep-seated scepticism. Doubters tend to favour indirect methods to gain more information, but there is scant evidence that these probes help unmask deception (Judee K.Burgoon, 1996). Suspicion occurs when someone is tried to find the truth from the others. The person becomes suspicious with people who make them unconfident to believe what the others talk about. It usually happens when the person does not believe what the person says and he/she will not accept the word hundred percent truths. For instance, when you have cheated by someone, it is hard to believe that person again. You become suspicious to whatever the person says to you. 3.4 Interactivity Interpersonal deception theory views deception through the interactivity of interpersonal communication. As such, it considers deception as an interactive process between a sender and receiver. In contrast with previous studies of deception that focused on the sender and receiver individually, IDT focuses on the dyadic, relational and dialogic of deceptive communication. Next, Dyadic communication refers to communication between two people. A dyad is a group of two people between whom messages are sent and received. While relational means that refers to communication in which meaning is created by two people simultaneously filling the roles of both sender and receiver. Dialogic activity refers to the active communicative language of the sender and receiver, each relying upon the other within the exchange. Deception uses when the communication of one participant is deliberately false. For a variety of reasons, including receivers’ own cognitive loading from ongoing information management and the development of rapport between parties as interaction unfolds, receivers will typically judge senders more favorably than passive observers. Obviously, there is a correlation between the level of favorable impression of the sender and the ultimate chances of undetected deception (Burgoon, 1996). 3.5 Strategic behaviour When the Receiver doubts the truthfulness of the information conveyed they will give clues in the form of non-typical behaviours. This will occur even if they attempt to mask such behaviours. Strategic behaviour is the proper behaviour or reaction that people use to act like nothing is happen or trying to hide a secret or the truth. However, deceptive senders are by their nature more attuned to sensing suspicion than the receivers are to sensing deception. Thus, senders will adjust their message and its manner of presentation if they sense suspicion. This serves to make deception all the more difficult to detect. For instance, there is what is known as the â€Å"Othello error.† Individuals who are actually telling the truth behave in the same way when falsely accused or confronted with suspicion as do those guilty of actual deception. The term Othello error refers to the situation where a truth teller’s adaptation to a false accusation strikes the respondent as devious (Hearn, 2006). 3.6 Deception in Communication Buller and Burgoon are more concerned with an individual’s motivation than with their actual actions in determining deception. In their work they found that every deceptive act has, at its core, at least one of three motivations. The first is to accomplish some task or attain some goal. Second, the communication may be directed at maintaining or creating a relationship with the other party. Finally, deception is often used to save face of one or both of the parties to the communication. Most people are uncomfortable when engaging in deception. One way in which they deal with this feeling is to attempt to disassociate from the behaviour. For example, when people try to lie they try to react like normal but there must be something different like reducing eye contact or through their body movement. (Judee K.Burgoon, 1996) The other ways that senders deal with the deception is to engage in their masking behaviour. Masking is an attempt to protect the sender’s self-image and their relationship with the Receiver. When engaging in intentional deception senders will attempt to restrain any bodily cues which may signal deception. They may also engage in compensating behaviour, such as exhibiting extreme sincerity. The difficulty is that the detection of all of these behaviours can only be done if they are measured against the sender’s base-line behaviours (Judee K.Burgoon, 1996). 3.7 Falsification, Concealment and Equivocation One strategy is falsification where the deceiving party also referred as sender. While the person who is flat-out lies of the communication called as receiver. It means that the sender creates a fiction to deceit. For example the sender will creates a story that not really happen just only to lie or hide the truth. The second type of deception is concealment. In concealment the sender omits certain material facts which results in deceptive communication. Finally, equivocation is included in the roster of deceptive behaviour. When employing equivocation the Sender skirts issues by, for instance, by changing the subject or offering indirect responses (Hearn, 2006). Nonverbal cues A nonverbal cue is important element in IDT. People can detect deception through non verbal cues. Although people can manipulate their words, however it is difficult to hide their truth nonverbal cues. Nonverbal cues are including facial expression, eye contact, gestures and touch. When someone try to hide secret or lie, they are difficult to hide their facial expression and especially their eye contact with others. They try to reduce the eye contact with others and the way they talk, they move or react is little bit different from their usual reaction. 4.0 Development of IDT Interpersonal Deception Theory (IDT) is generating from the concept of nonverbal cues to detect deception during conversation. The idea of this study was come from Sigmund Freud who studied about nonverbal cues in detecting deception among people. In his study, Freud observed a patient being asked about his darkest feelings. If his mouth was shut and his fingers were trembling, he was considered to be lying. From the situation, he tried to study more about nonverbal cues. Then, in 1989, DePaulo and Kirkendol developed the Motivation Impairment Effect (MIE). This occurs when a person’s motivation to succeed at lying negatively affects on the person’s performance, making the lie less convincing. (Kirekendol, 2011). MIE states the harder people try to deceive others, the more likely they are to get caught. Burgoon and Floyd, however, revisited this research and formed the idea that deceivers are more active in their attempt to deceive than most would anticipate or expect. For instance, DePaulo has estimated the human ability to detect deception at 53%, which she states is â€Å"not much better than flipping a coin.† She has also stated that â€Å"human accuracy is really just better than chance.† (Hearn, 2006). In 1996, IDT was developed by two communication professors, David B. Buller and Judee K. Burgoon. They restudied the studies made by Sigmund Freud, nonverbal cues, and then they observed DePaulo and Kirkendol† studies which they developed about Motivation Impairment Effect. Judee Burgoon and David Buller then combined both studies and they studied in depth about deception in conversation among people. Prior to their study, deception had not been fully considered as a communication activity, it is more like theory of communication strategies use to lie or hide the truth information from others. Previous work had focused upon the formulation of principles of deception. The principles of Interpersonal Deception Study were derived by evaluating the lie detection ability of individuals observing unidirectional communication (Hearn, 2006). The early studies of Interpersonal Deception Theory found initially that, although humans are far from perfect in their efforts to diagnose lies, they are substantially better at the task than would result merely by chance. However, this statement should be contrasted with subsequent statements made by the same researchers. Buller and Burgoon discount the value of highly controlled studies. Therefore, IDT is based on two-way communication and intended to describe deception as an interactive communicative process (Hearn, 2006). Based over years of the author’s and other scholars’ research, IDT expound on the dynamics properties of interpersonal communication, nonverbal behaviour, message processing, credibility and deception as it is achieved through interpersonal interaction. 5.0 Application of IDT IDT demonstrate that people are poor at detecting deception. Thus, it is crucial that one not rely upon a perceived ability to detect deception in the negotiation context. There are habitual liars who compulsively engage in deception. However, most people do not lie without reason. It is natural to think that deception would be beneficial to any negotiating party. Many statements will be made in the course of a negotiation. Not all statements will completely true or completely false. The language used to achieve a specific task can be varied as the people who feel a need to deceive. Yet Buller and Burgoon list some characteristic that reflect strategic intent. 5.1 Uncertainty and vagueness If we do not want our friend to know about our absent for class yesterday, we must keep the answer short and noncommittal. If we say, â€Å"I’m sick† the brevity precludes detail to challenge (Burgoon, 2000). Another way is to speak in the passive voice and use indefinite pronouns. 5.2 Nonimmediacy, reticence, and withdrawal We wish not to be there when our friend ask why we did not come to class yesterday. That desire to be out of the situation is often encoded in nonverbal actions. We might sit further apart that others, or lean back rather than forward as our answer. Words also can show nonimmediacy when the speaker changes verbs from present to past tense (Burgoon, 2000). 5.3 Disassociation This is the way of distancing yourself from what you have done. Levelers are inclusive terms that do this by removing individual choice (Burgoon, 2000). For example, we will tell our friends that everyone has done it and not attending class is normal. All of these linguistic constructions sever the personal connection between the actor and the act of deception. 5.4 Image- and relationship-protecting behavior Since discovery could hurt their reputations and threaten their relationship, they consciously strive to suppress the bodily cues that might signal deception. To mask the cues that leak out despite their best efforts, they try to appear extra sincere. Deceivers tend to nod in agreement when the respondent speaks, avoid interrupting, and smile frequently (Burgoon, 2000). 5.5 Flood the circuits Interpersonal Deception Theory demonstrates that when a Sender’s cognitive abilities are â€Å"overloaded† they will begin to leak. It stands to reason that the greater the load, the greater the leak and the easier its detection. Another major premise of Interpersonal Deception Theory is that individuals are poor lie detectors in one-on-one communication situations. Thus, it would appear to be to a negotiator’s advantage to increase the load on their opposite (Burgoon, 2000). 5.6 Falsification, Concealment and Equivocation One strategy is falsification where the deceiving party also referred as sender. While the person who is flat-out lies of the communication called as receiver. It means that the sender creates a fiction to deceit. For example the sender will creates a story that not really happen just only to lie or hide the truth. The second type of deception is concealment. In concealment the sender omits certain material facts which results in deceptive communication. Finally, equivocation is included in the roster of deceptive behaviour. When employing equivocation the Sender skirts issues by, for instance, by changing the subject or offering indirect responses (Hearn, 2006).

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Jetstar Asia Airways Marketing Audit Tourism Essay

A Jetstar Asia Airways Marketing Audit Tourism Essay 1. Introduction Jetstar Asia Airways is a low-cost budget airline operating in the South East Asian region. Its mother company Australias Qantas Airways found it in 2003. Unlike Jetstar in Australia, Jetstar Asia is majority Singapore in which a Singapore investment company, Temasek Holdings Limited holds 19 per cent of shares, two Singaporean businesspersons possess 32 percent, and the remaining 49 per cent of shares belongs to Qantas Group. The company is known as an airline to offer low fares, all day and every day to South East Asia customers. It has received several valuable awards, such as Best Brand Experience for Low Cost Carrier (2006), Best Low Cost Airline, Southeast Asia and Asia (2006, 2008), Top 10 Airlines by Passenger Carriage (2006, 2007), Best Asian Low-Cost Carrier (2006, 2007). The first Jetstar Asia Airways flight took off for Hong Kong on December 13, 2004. Jetstar Asia and Valuair Airways Limited were merged on July 22, 2005 (Jetstar, nd). With a fleet of seven A320 aircrafts, Jetstar Asia now offers up to 126 weekly flights from Singapore to 17 destinations in ten Asian countries. It is planning to increase capacity by more three A320 aircrafts by early next year and add destinations in India and China. This marketing study aims to provide the Jetstar Asia Airways current marketing environment. It will use primary data and secondary data and analyse SWOT and PESTEL to make clearly internal and external marketing environment. Primary data is survey of 50 people who are concerning budget airline. Secondary data is used from books, journals and websites. The report also discuss about the current market plan of Jetstar Asia Airways. From the audit process, recommendations will come out for improving Jetstar Asia Airways marketing performance in existing competitive aviation environment. 2. Background Today, global aviation industry has been divided into three major categories (Lelieur, 2003). The first category consists of large network carriers, such as United Airlines, American Airlines, and Delta in the United States; Air France, British Airway, Lufthansa in Europe. The second one is the middle size carriers such as KLM and SAS in Europe. The final category is the low cost carriers, such as Jet Blue, Westjet in North America; Virgin Blue and Australian Airlines in Australia; Ryanair, EasyJet, and Air Berlin in Europe; Air Asia, Oasis Hong Kong Airline, Jetsatr Asia Airway, and Tiger Airway in Asia Pacific. According to Weiss (2008, p.84), Low-cost carriers, also known as a no frills or discount airlines, offers low fares in exchange for eliminating many traditional passengers services. These airlines have a lower cost structures than competitors. They often operate a single passenger class and fleet, reducing training and servicing costs. In recent years, the low-cost carriers (LLCs) phenomenon has become more popular in aviation industry. The low cost airline business has experienced surprising growth in term of passengers carried and aircraft ordered. LLCs are likely to keep their price down thoroughly online booking as well as providing the minimum level of onboard services. They can be seen as a new big success in the world airline industry. According to OAGs Quarterly Airline Traffic Statistics (2007), low cost international flights have increased 20% year by year. Asia Pacific witnessed a dramatic growth in low cost sector, with an increase from 3,900 flights and 600,000 seats in 2001 to 61,000 flights and 9.2 million seats in 2007 (Abacus, 2008). The Asia Pacific low cost market now has accounted for 12% of all flights and all seats. Many Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, India has opened up LCCs to attractive a large number of passengers. As an affirmation about Jetstar Airways prospect, Geoff Dixon , CEO of Qantas Airways Ltd said: Were very confident about the timing of the launch of this airline. I dont know where other airlines will end up but I can assure you Jetstar Asia will be around in four years time and will be profitable, so Temasek and our other investors can be confident. (2004). Jetstar Asia has announced its revenue increases 20% for the year ended 31 March 2008 (Jetstar, nd). These proves that low fares has become attract more travellers. The expectation of Jetstar Asia Airways about the worlds largest potential aviation market is coming true. 3. External analysis 3.1. The micro-environment 3.1.1 Description of the market (i) The world aviation market According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the worlds airlines are expected to lose US$2.5 billion in 2009. Industry revenues are expected to decline to US$501 billion. This a fall of US$35 billion from the US$536 billion in revenues forecasted for 2008. This drop in revenues is caused by the economic crisis and the outbreak of the H1N1 epidemic. These aspects affect to the psychology of the travelers. Yields will decline by 3.0 percent (5.3 percent when adjusted for exchange rates and inflation). Passenger traffic is expected to decline by 3 percent following growth of 2 percent in 2008. This is the first decline in passenger traffic since the 2.7 percent drop in 2001. Industry profits, US$ billion 2006 2007 2008F 2009F 2006 2007 2008F 2009F Operating profits Net profits Global 15.0 19.7 1.1 3.9 -0.1 12.9 -5.0 -2.5 excluding restructuring costs 3.6 12.9 -5.0 -2.5 Regions North America 7.3 9.3 -0.3 3.6 -2.6 5.3 -3.9 0.3 excluding restructuring costs 1.0 5.3 -3.9 0.3 Europe 5.2 6.4 1.5 0.7 1.8 5.4 -0.1 -1.0 Asia-Pacific 1.8 3.5 -0.1 -0.6 0.9 2.1 -0.5 -1.1 Middle East 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 Latin America 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 -0.1 -0.2 Africa 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.2 0.1 -0.3 -0.3 Source: ICAO data to 2007. IATA 2008-09 forecasts. Excludes fresh-start items. Asia-Pacific is the region most decreased in the aviation yield with the drop is forecast about US$1.1 billion As this report demonstrates, the annual average growth rates of aviation in Asia-Pacific drop dramatically form 7.5% in 2006 to -2.5% in 2009 (forecast). All these information are uncomforted to the airline firm in the Asia-Pacific area. It is probably because the aviation market shrank in the future. Annual average growth rates, % 2006 2007 2008F 2009F 2006 2007 2008F 2009F Traffic volume (tkp) Capacity (atk) Global 5.3 5.3 0.9 -3.6 4.1 5.0 2.0 -2.5 Regions North America 2.7 3.5 -1.3 -4.8 0.5 3.2 -0.1 -5.7 Europe 4.9 2.1 1.1 -3.6 3.9 3.5 1.7 -2.5 Asia-Pacific 7.5 7.8 0.6 -2.5 6.7 6.9 2.3 -0.5 Middle East 11.8 16.4 7.6 1.2 12.6 14.5 7.4 4.9 Latin America -3.4 9.9 1.5 -4.1 1.6 6.9 3.4 -0.2 Africa 7.0 4.5 -1.9 -3.6 1.8 5.8 -3.4 -2.5 Source: ICAO data to 2007. IATA 2008-09 forecasts. Domestic and international traffic. Includes passenger and cargo by weight. (ii) Jestar Asia Airways market Jetstar Asia Airways operates as a low-cost airliner in South-East Asia. In a recent report, the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA) predicts that low-à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ½cost carrier will see increased demand in terms of both traffic-growth à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ½and earnings this year, compared to traditional airlines.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ½ Stormy conditions in 2008 have already helped the low-cost segment gain a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ½larger share of global aviation, according to the CAPA report. Now predicted à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ½tougher economic conditions and lower fuel prices will give the sector a major à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ½advantage in 2009. (Sharjah, 2009) According to Adel Ali, Chief Executive Officer of Air Arabia, the low cost model is uniquely attractive in these challenging economic times. According to Chief executive officer of Jetstar Asia Airways, Chong Phit Lian, the low-cost carrier is currently filling about 70 per cent of seats, compared with about 60 per cent last year. In the dark time of the economic crisis, this is the good sign for the low cost budget airline like Jetstar Asia. 3.1.2 Competitors analysis Operating in the low cost airline market in the tendency of almost of airline firm extend the low cost field brings to Jetstar Asia many competitors. Examine in the aspect of low cost airline field and operation area, Jetstar Asia has three main competitors: Tiger Airway, Lion Air, and AirAsia. Tiger Airway (Singapore): Fleet size: 10 Destinations: 27 Parent company: Tiger Aviation Company slogan: Get The Real Deal Headquarters: Singapore Tiger Airways is a low-cost airline based in Singapore, with its primary hub at Singapore Changi Airport. This is the main competitor of Jetstar. While Jetstar Asia was not very successful in the market, Tiger Airways with its strong business model had managed to make an impact in the highly competitive low-cost market. Tiger Airways mostly served secondary cities. This helped it challenge the markets, which are ignored by the major carriers. In addition, Tiger Airways followed a strict no-frills model to offer the lowest fares possible to its passengers Strengths Weaknesses Low cost operations Good position in customers mind Internet booking and e-payment Focuses on secondary city Intelligent strategic Fast development High reputation (win many awards for the low cost airline) Service resource is limited by lower costs Heavy reliance on outsourcing New entrants to provide the price-sensitive service Customer complaint Lack of destination Small fleet Lion air Fleet size: 42 Destinations: 40 Company slogan: We make people fly Headquarters: Jakarta, Indonesia Lion Air is Indonesias largest private carrier and Asias first hybrid carrier, which offers both economy and business class seating, based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Strengths Weaknesses Low cost operations Diversity of destination Huge of fleet size Maintain free meal despite the low cost. Service resource is limited by lower costs Heavy reliance on outsourcing New entrants to provide the price-sensitive service Do not have e-payment. AirAsia Fleet size: 75 Destinations: 66 Company slogan: Now Everyone Can Fly Headquarters: Kuala Lumpur. AirAsia is a low-cost airline based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It operates scheduled domestic and international flights and is Asias largest low fare, no frills airline. Strengths Weaknesses Low cost operations Fewer management level, effective, focused and aggressive management Simple proven business model that consistently delivers that lowest fares Penetrate and stimulate to potential markets Multi-skilled staffs means efficient and incentive workforce Huge fleet size provide many destination Have 3 secondary hubs Internet booking and e-payment Service resource is limited by lower costs Government interference and regulation on airport deals and passenger compensation Brand is vital for market position only fixed with asia Heavy reliance on outsourcing New entrants to provide the price-sensitive service Generally compare between Jetstar Asia and three main competitors we can recognize that Tiger Airway is the direct competitor and now is leading the low cost carrier in the South East Asia aviation market. However, recently, Tiger Airway has to face with some problems form the customers (Mathaba, 2009, Singsuply, 2009) because of their bad service. With the supply from the parent company, Qantas Airline, this is the time for Jetstar to challenge Tiger Airway. 3.2. The macro-environment: PEST analysis PEST analysis is a common tool for analysing an organisations macro-environment to identify those factors that might increase the potential for crisis. (Elliott, Swartz and Herbane, 2002). These include political, economic, social and technological factors and the analysis examines the impact of each of them on the business. 3.2.1 Political environment Singapore now is as a political stability nation. It has become the prosperous nation with a widespread network of trading links. So far, Singapore political stability has leaded to a high rate of economic growth. As one of Asia most stable economics, many Singapore companies have developed well. Singapore economic has been developing services industries such as wealth management and tourism, aviation industry. Singaporean airline industry plays a key role in Singaporean economy. It now includes mainstream Singapore Airlines and two low cost airlines Tiger Airways and Jetstar Asia Airways. However, September 11th terrorist attack event in United States caused significant falling in travelling. Besides, the political instability in South East Asia region, such as Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia influenced negatively on aviation industry in Asia areas. 3.2.2 Economic environment The economic environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns.(Kotler and Armstrong, 2009, p103). These following analyses will show how economic factors have an effect on aviation industry. In recent years, global economic crisis has pushed the trade-service dependent countries into worst recession. The world travel market has also been affected in this crisis. According to International Air Transport Association, due to economic recession, the global passenger traffic will decrease by 3% in 2009 and not growing above 4% until 2011 (IATA, 2008). Another major factor effects strongly on airline market, especially budget airlines, that is the increase in fuel price. From 2004, the oil price surge was a result of three main factors: increased demand, a small global excess of production capability, and the fear of supply disruption. The fuel cost increase caused of 36% rising of airline operating costs in 2008. The deadly combination of falling demand and high oil prices made a plunge of aviation industrys profitability, approximately losses of US$10.4 billion in 2008. At the same year, Asia Pacific airline industry incurred losses US$ 300 million (IATA, 2009). 3.2.3 Social environment Trends in social factors are significant component of the PEST analysis for airline industry. Firstly, some factors such as advanced medical provisions and low ratio at birth have allowed people to live longer. The average age of the population has been increasing steadily. Thus, the products that airlines offer concerning to older and disabled passengers who need help at airports. Besides, traditional family structure has been changing in today modern society. The increase of divorce rate as well as number of single-parent family has become contemporary trend that travel industry has to do to accommodate. They can be promotional and product planning policies, which offer to those who are singles or one-parent family. Furthermore, the changes in the job market have impacts for airline marketing policies. Due to work pressures, executives often have to make a day-return trip instead of two days. This has become more important for short-haul markets. 3.2.4 Technological environment As an advanced technology, Internet now plays an important role in airlines industry. All airlines have websites that allow customers to book air ticket online. In making reservation, customers can also select their seat. Utilization of internet in aviation industry brings benefits for both airlines and passengers based on cost saving. With PEST analysis as above, marketing environment of Jetstar Asia Airways has just evaluated to consider how the company operates in the todays changing environment. 4. Internal analysis 4.1. Segmentation Target Positioning 4.1.1 Market segmentation Jetstar has based on various variables to consider: Geographic segmentation: Jetstar offers flight to various destinations, such as Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Singapore, Taipei, and Yangon. (Jetstar, 2009) Demographic segmentation: Jestar focuses on low-income customers, who want to travel to other countries for purpose visiting, business or studying. This segment is majority of the regularly travel by air and Jetstar can get a profitability significant through a pricing strategy efficiently to retain loyal passengers and attract new customers. Behavioral segmentation: Jetstar applies many promotion prices on special occasions to attract customers and Jestar calculates the number of passenger in seasons. Especially, in summer occasions, Christmas and Happy New Year holidays, passengers have a lot of free time so that many people go travelling or come back their home. Psychographic Segmentation: Passengers are willing spend much time to care about low-price and safety airline where they will go. Besides standard ticket price, Jetstar gives a lot of options ticket so that customers can be a flexible choice to reduce price, for examples: food, insurance, baggage, etc. 4.1.2 Targets Among many competitions, Jetstar knows that they need to get a flexible strategy to achieve success and have a service closely with the highest customer satisfactions. Jetstar has many various target markets such as low fares, expand destinations, and increase flight frequencies, minimize operation costs, focused on customer services, optimize revenue and develop new revenue streams. Furthermore, Jetstar has a marketing strategy well through mass media and telecommunication systems such as internet, television, newspaper, etc. Besides, Jetstar invests in brand name to become a strong brand. 4.1.3 Position Jetstar is a low-price carrier in the world. Jetstar has become a favorite brand with low fare, low operation cost, high safety, servicing well and friendly in loyal customer in the world. However, to retain customers mind, Jetstar has to face many completions carriers such as Lion air, AsiaAir, Tiger airways, etc through a flexible and lowest-price strategy. 4.2 Marketing plan 4.2.1 Product The product is the most important aspect of the marketing mix. The product strategies made by Jetstar Asia Airways are mainly aimed to reduce costs so that the company can provide low fares to customers, because in the downturn the number of people who prefer low-cost carriers is increasing. Firstly, Jetstar Asia only launches routes whose flying distance are within five hours from Singapore, such as Hong Kong, Taipei, Bangkok, etc (Jetstar, nd). Because flying close, aircraft can return to base in one day. It can help to save many costs, including expenses of aircraft staying at foreign airports and expenditures spending on accommodation for crew, etc. Secondly, the fleet of Jetstar Asia is consisted of only Airbus A320 aircraft (Jetstar, nd). The reason is that a single model aircraft can make training, maintenance and repair costs greatly reduce. Personnel, including pilots, mechanics and cabin crew can be deployed optionally without re-training, thus the company eliminates the deployment center and in-flight configuration can be exactly same. Finally, since Jetstar Asia is a low-cost carrier, no free food and beverages are provided. Passengers may purchase food and beverages on board from the cabin crew. Jetstar Asia cancels free meal service in order to reduce the costs on expensive catering equipment and save the time on cleaning the aircraft. In this way, aircraft need less time to stay at airports; it reduces landing fees and even the company is able to add one more flight because of the time saved. 4.2.2 Promotion Once the product has been made and the price set, it is important that potential customers be told about the product. Promotion can also be used for reassuring the consumer that the product is of good quality and persuading them to purchase the product (Kotler and Armstrong, 2009). In order to make customers convenient to obtain detail information about Jetstar Asia Airways, including price of tickets, schedule of flights, new services and routes, etc; the company uses its website to broadcast all the kinds of latest information. In recent month, it can be found that Jetstar Asia shows a new advertisement on television. It describes a travel story of a girl. In the advertisement, the girl took trips to lots of resorts such as Bangkok, Bali, etc and all these resorts are the place where Jetstar Asias flights can access. Although advertising on television cost the company millions of dollars, Jetstar Asia still confirms they can get benefits from the advertisement because it really attracts the public deeply. Jetstar Asia believes that it will encourage people to choose Jetstar Asias flights for travelling. Moreover, the company also provides tickets, which are in promotion to customers. For example, Jetstar Asia launched 44,444 free seats promotion on flights between Singapore and 11 of its destinations in its 4th birthday celebration (asiatraveltips, 2008). 4.2.3 Pricing It is very important that the reasonable price is charged for a product. The major of low-cost carriers is providing low price tickets to attract more customers. Jetstar Asia sets a low price to increase sales and market share. The company consistently strives to offer the most competitive ticket price to customers. For example, the passengers who take Jetstar Asias flights can expect to pay as low as a quarter of the current price for return tickets and sometimes it even suggests free of charge flights to certain destinations. The company also operates at budget terminals and secondary airports in order to cut costs as much as possible. Pricing strategies help Jetstar Asia become one of the biggest low-cost carriers in Asia. 4.2.4 Place Place decides where the product is to be sold. Compared with mainstream airlines, it is not necessary for low-cost carriers to have more channels to sell their seat; because more channels means it will cost more money. So almost all of flights are booked directly at Jetstar Asias website, while only a few come from the travel agencies. This online marketing model helps to reduce operating costs. Jetstar Asia does not set up ticket centers and related equipments, so there are no printed tickets for customers. It can cut expenditures on printing and distribution of paper tickets. 4.2.5 Expansion strategies Besides the four Ps strategies, Jetstar Asia also puts emphasize on the expansion strategies. Jetstar Asia Airways is planning to boost its fleet and operation as well as the company strives to expand into new routes. In the coming 12 months, Jetstar Asia Airways has a plan to grow its existing capacity from Singapore by 46% by adding three more Airbus A320 aircraft (Govindasamy, 2009). The new planes will be used for new routes or expansion. Besides extending the fleet, Jetstart Asia has announced new services between Singapore Phuket, and additional Singapore Manila flights. The company will have scheduled flights to fly directly into mainland China with the launch of Haikou, from where travellers can easily access the resort town of Sanya. It is the first mainland China destination of Jetstar Asia (etravelblackboard, 2009). Extending the service to mainland China were part of the carriers next strategic stage to build its low fare services across Southeast Asia under the Jetstar brand. This plan has also benefited from cutting unprofitable routes in South-east Asia, where competition is increasing with AirAsia and Tiger Airways. Recently, Jetstar has announced that it will double daily A320 Singapore-Phuket services to Thailands holiday resort center from 15th December. Beginning form 25th October, the existing daily Singapore-Manila will also increase by an additional three weekly services to a total 10 weekly return flights. On June 7, 2009, Jetstar Asia Airways launched a daily direct service to Penang in northern Malaysia, marking its 17th destination from Singapore and the fourth Malaysian city. With the new route, Jetstars weekly flights between Singapore and Malaysia would increase to 88. Jetstar also operates to Kuala Lumpur three times daily, Kuching in Sarawak state daily and Kota Kinabalu in Sabah state four times weekly from Singapore. From October 1, 2009, Jetstar services on the Singapore-Penang route would be expanded to twice a day, or 14 times, weekly services (BusinessWeek 2009). Jetstar Asia also plans to launch new route to India. With those recently activities, Jetstar has noticeably expended its market share in the low cost segment. Jetstar Asia says that after the growth of its aircraft capacity, the company will definitely launch more routes and ensure more travellers who will benefit from low fares of Jetstar Asia Airways (Businessweek, 2009). 5. SWOT analysis A SWOT analysis is an in-depth examination of key factors that are internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) to a business (Pinson, 2008, p.33). SWOT analysis helps a business to concentrate on those areas that present the greatest opportunities and those competencies in which it is strongest. That business look into ways to diminish its weaknesses, develop strategies to defeat threats. The following analysis focuses on Jetstar Asias SWOT. SWOT ANALYSIS OF JETSTAR ASIA AIRWAYS Internal Strengths Weaknesses Flexible ticket price structure Growth in market share One type of aircraft Performance Narrow flight-destinations. Limited fleet. External Opportunities Threats Strengthen competitive capability. Increase in short-haul travelling. Growth in Singapore tourism Increase of fuel price Unpredictable disaster factors Swine flu spread. 5.1 Strengths Flexible ticket price structure: Jetstar Asia Airways has applied flexible ticket price structure that allows customers can choose any kind of ticket, depending on customers demand. Customers can purchase which ticket with or without luggage. By this application, Jetstar Asia Airways desires to meet customers diversified demands. Growth in market share: The Company is going to launch its first service into China on December 16, 2009 (BusinessWeek, 2009). After that, it will offer new destination in India. Moreover, with three additional A320 aircrafts, it will expand its current capacity by 46 per cent by launching twice daily services on the Singapore-Phuket route. One type of aircraft: Thanks to exploiting one type of aircraft Airbus A320- Jetstar Asia Airways can save cost of fuel consumption, cost of maintaining other aircrafts and reduce cost of staff training, leading to lower operation cost. As a result, Jetstar Asia Airways can make up competitive advantage to lure more customers by offering low- ticket price. Performance: One of the most important factors affecting customers choice in airline industry is on-time performance. Understand this; Jetstar has used the computerised Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) to assure the accuracy of departure time and arrival time. In 2008 and 2009, Jetstars on-time performance always achieved from 92% to 98% (Jetstar, nd). 5.2 Weaknesses Narrow flight destinations: So far, Jetstar Asia Airways has just exploited its aeronautic routes to 17 destinations across 10 countries in Asia Pacific (Jetstar, nd). Meanwhile, Tiger Airways has operating with 27 destinations, and Air Asia has 66 destinations. This can be seen weaknesses of Jetstar Asia in aviation competition to attain customers. Limited fleet: Due to the limited fleet of seven A320 aircrafts, Jetstar Asia Airways has some difficulties in expanding its market share to new destinations. 5.3 Opportunities Jetstar Asia Airways has focused on not only individual passengers but also business travellers. It has set up several kinds of privilege services for business travellers to increase number of passengers year by year. From only 50 firms in 2004, now Jetstar has 400 corporations travelling with it (Baoying, 2009). More and more businesses, even multinational companies, are likely to choose low cost airlines to save their business cost that create potential low cost market for Jetstar Asia Airways. Besides, trend of short-haul travelling is increasing in number of Asian tourists; instead of long-haul holidays, because it enables Asian people travel more regularly in year. Focusing on these subjects, Jetstar Asia will catch more opportunities to expand its market share. In addition to this, in Singapore, two integrated resorts the Marina Bay Sands and Resorts World Sentosa will be opened in 2010. At that time, number of travellers visit Singapore will increase dramatically. There will be about 15 million visitors coming to Singapore (integratedresort, nd). Such general trends as mentioned above will bring prospect for Singapore airline industry, including budget airlines and mainstream airlines. 5.4 Threats

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Anthony and Cleopatra Essay -- essays research papers fc

Shakespeare Uses As His Source For The Play Plutarch’s Lives Of The Noble Grecians And Romans. Plutarch, Along With Other Greek And Roman Authors, Saw An Opposition Between The Conquering West Standing For Moral And Political Virtue And The Conquered East Representing Luxury And Decadence. How Does Shakespeare’s Play Present These Positions? Throughout William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, there is the dichotomy of the hard-working political life of Rome and the luxury and pleasures of Egypt. The effect of the difference between the two places on the main characters, and on the plot, is a key theme throughout the play. It is common in Shakespeare’s plays for characters to talk about themselves in the third person, which gives them an elevated and important status. This is used to show the difference between the relaxed and indulgent Egypt, and the more formal ways of Rome. Octavius Caesar refers to himself in the third person often in the play, â€Å"It is not Caesar’s natural vice to hate our great competitor† This gives Octavius an air of importance, as he takes a tone of superiority over Antony because he is enjoying the luxuries of Cleopatra’s palace. Dance, music and song are commonly used in Shakespearean comedy, for example in plays like a Comedy of Errors or As You Like It. They often act as an uniting force, bringing together different groups or individuals. In Antony and Cleopatra,a tragedy, they are presented differently. They are used to indicate Egypt as a place of frivolity. Cleopatra remarks â€Å"give me some music, moody food of us that trade in love.† Music is never played in Rome, and there are certainly no comical characters (such as the eunuch Mardian) and little banter. The presence of music and dance, with an entertainer such as the Eunuch, shows Egypt to be a place of fun and frivolity in direct contrast to the serious political business of Rome. Shakespeare also displays the contrast between the two places by his use of jocularity, particularly puns and sexual innuendo. These are prevelant in the Egyptian scenes, particularly in the exchanges between Cleopatra and her courtiers. Charmian: â€Å"My arm is sore. Best play with Mardian. Cleopatra: As well a women with a Eunuch played as with a woman†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This short exchange presents Egypt as a place of sexual innuendo and entertainment. Such conversations never tak... ...eir attractions, but they also have a tragic consequences. At the end of the play as Antony and Cleopatra both commit suicide. While Cleopatra’s death is symbolically romantic, Antony cuts a pathetic figure in death. There is a great sense of waste at the end of the tragedy, as a great man has come to nothing because he abandoned his sense and reason for the luxuries of Egypt. Throughout Antony and Cleopatra there is a sharp contrast between the bawdy humour and entertainment of the east and the stern morality and politics of the West. This is best seen in Antony’s downfall; his death is caused by a romantic but illogical attempt at conquering Rome, and the battle of Actium shows the decadent Egypt destroyed and the sensible Rome victorious. In Rome Antony was at his best as a man a soldier and a statesmen, whereas as Antony says â€Å"in the East my pleasure lies†, as does his downfall. BIBLIOGRAPHY William Shakespeare, Antony & Cleopatra, Edited by Emrys Jones, New Penguin Shakespeare Edition York Notes Advanced, Antony And Cleopatra, Robin Sowerby Richard Gill, Mastering English Literature  Ã‚   Ruebel  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Power Struggles in Jury of Her Peers and Mama Come Home Essay

The Power Struggles in Jury of Her Peers and Mama Come Home The issue of dominance and subordinance is addressed in the short stories â€Å"A Jury of her Peers† by Susan Glaspell and â€Å"Mama Come Home† by James Tiptree, Jr. In the stories the subordinates are harmed by the dominants, but the subordinates overcome the suppression to triumph in the end. The groups with the power control the laws and the positions of the weaker group. To begin with, â€Å"A Jury of her Peers† is about the way women in 1917 were treated by men. The main women characters are Minnie Wright, Mrs. Peters, and Mrs. Hale. The women in the story are confined to their homes; rarely getting to go to town or visit with their friends. The women did not have many things with color and beauty. The men looked down on the women as inferior. The women in the story are the subordinates and the men are the dominants, because the men oppress the women and control them. â€Å"Mama Come Home† is a science fiction story about the way women treat men in the future. Giant alien women, called Capellans, come to Earth and abuse the smaller Earthmen. The women have no respect for the men. The men are helpless because the women are so large and powerful. The women in this story are the dominants and the men in the story are the subordinates, because the women control the men and everything the men do. The subordinates in the story â€Å"A Jury of her Peers† are emotionally abused by their husbands. The men treat the women like they are incapable of doing the same tasks as the men. An example is when the men are looking for clues to find a motive for the murder of Minnie Wright’s husband. They assign the women the task of finding Minnie Wright, who was being retaine... ... women determine what happened, Mrs. Peters becomes more compassionate and starts to feel Minnie’s pain. At the end of the story, Mrs. Peters helps Mrs. Hale hide the evidence that could convict Minnie. Tillie, one of the main characters in â€Å"Mama Come Home,† changes during the course of the story. Tillie is a human that looks like a Capellan, a giant alien woman. Tillie is friends with the Capellans until she sees the way the Capellans treat her male friend. Tillie becomes upset and decides to help the humans scare off the Capellans. Without Tillie’s help, the human’s plan would not have worked. In summary, the stories show how dominants can hurt subordinates and how subordinates can find ways to overcome the power of the dominant group. The characters learn that the dominants hurt people, and they must help out their friends by doing the right thing.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Aldeia Corrego das Telhas

Consideracoes Iniciais ( NUMERAR )O presente artigo surgiu de minha experiencia de trabalho-pesquisa com os indios Tremembes no municipio de Acarau, distante 235 kilometer district attorney capital Fortaleza. Ate o momento mutton quad que escrevo estas linhas, foram seis Maines acompanhando as duas aldeias indigenas existentes na zona rural district attorney cidade. Fui contratado como antropologo, na condicao de tecnico do Centro de Referencia da Assistencia Social – CRAS, parity atuar exclusivamente nestas comunidades. Assim, a experiencia empirica que substanciou a escrita deste artigo foi produzida a partir do contato semanal com a populacao indigena supracitada. Este contato Se deu tanto na esfera coletiva, Durante as reunioes semanais realizadas mutton quad cada comunidade, quando individualmente, visitava as familias, sendo possivel manter longas conversas com alguns indios das aldeias de Telhas vitamin E Queimadas. O objetivo deste artigo vitamin E discorrer sobre a importancia district attorney institucionalizacao organizacional parity a afirmacao district attorney identidade etnica indigena Department of State Tremembes nos dias atuais, sobretudo, com fives de acesso as politicas sociais direcionadas parity comunidades tradicionais. Utilizo como base a fundacao Department of State Conselhos Indigenas hyrax aldeias de Telhas e Queimadas e a importancia que estes exercem como facilitadores no que diz respeito aos projetos, programas vitamin E servicos do poder publico nas diversas esferas, direcionados as populacoes indigenas. Antes, porem, se faz necessario um breve relato sobre a historia destas duas comunidades indigenas.Os Tremembes de Acarau e suas trajetorias ( NUMERAR )Os indios Tremembes tiveram um longo percurso historico Ate Se estabelecerem no litoral cearense. Segundo alguns antropologos vitamin E historiadores, o grupo etnico saiu district attorney Amaz & A ; ocirc ; nia percorrend o os estados do Maranhao, Piaui ate chegarem ao litoral cearense, estabelecendo-se, principalmente na praia de Almofala, municipio de Itarema [ 2 ] . Os registros historicos dao conta district attorney presenca deste povo nos municipios de Chaval, Camocim, Granja, Marco, Acarau e tambem na Serra district attorney Ibiapaba [ 3 ] . No seculo XVII, os Tremembes foram aldeados pelos jesuitas na localidade de Almofala e la se estabeleceram Ate hoje. A literatura antropologica coloca os Tremembes como eximios pescadores, tendo em view, que foram aldeados no litoral. Entretanto, diante Department of States periodos de seca que periodicamente castigam O territorio cearense, alguns grupos foram obrigados a sair em busca de agua e alimento, iniciando uma caminhada vitamin E desbravando terras no rumo do sertao. Os Tremembes de Acarau estao inseridos neste contexto. De acordo com as memorias e narrativas de algumas liderancas e idosos, ja existiam registros district attorney presenca indigena na regiao no seculo Nineteen.Aldeia Corrego hyrax TelhasOs Tremembes do Corrego das Telhas estao localizados hour angle aproximadamente 40 kilometer district attorney sede do municipio de Acarau, estando numa regiao limitrofe com o municipio de Itarema. A historia Department of State Tremembes hyrax Telhas tem um capitulo comum a Toda as comunidades indigenas no nordeste e no Brasil: a Luda pela terra. A referida aldeia esta inserida na Terra Indigena ( TI ) [ 4 ] do Corrego Joao Pereira, composta por quatro aldeias ( Sao Jose, Cajazeiras, Capim-Acu vitamin E Telhas ) situadas entre os Department of the Interior municipios citados acima, sendo que somente a aldeia de Telhas pertence a Acarau. TI Corrego Joao Pereira e a primeira, e Ate agora a unica, terra indigena demarcada vitamin E homolgada pelo Governo Federal no Ceara. Entretanto, a Luda pela terra vitamin E os freq & A ; uuml ; entes conflitos com posseiros e latifundiarios durou quase um seculo, tendo Se acirrado nos Fatah R evolutionary Councils de 1980. De acordo com O relatorio antropologico [ 5 ] district attorney Fundacao Nacional do indio – FUNAI, os Tremembes do Corrego Joao Pereira sofreram com a violencia vitamin E o poder de grandes latifundiarios ( entre eles militares, military chaplains e politicos de Acarau ) , criadores de gado e comerciantes da castanha de caju que se apossaram e submeteram os indios a um government de semi escravidao. Alem de terem tomado as terras que tradicionalmente eram de uso dos indios, os â€Å" novos † donos cobravam pela utilizacao district attorney terra, de modo que uma grande parte district attorney producao Agricola Department of State indigenas epoch direcionada parity O pagamento da terra. Alem disso, os Tremembes foram proibidos de praticarem seus rituais, sobretudo, o torem. O movimento de resistencia Department of State Tremembes do Corrego Joao Pereira se fortaleceu a partir do apoio da Pastoral Department of State Direitos Humanos, Missao Tremembe [ 6 ] vitamin E com O reconhecimento district attorney FUNAI, no concluding district attorney decada de 80. Em 2005 a TI do Corrego Joao Pereira foi demarcada vitamin E homologada pelo Presidente Lula. A aldeia Telhas possui atualmente uma populacao de 134 pessoas agrupadas em 30 familias que vivem numa country de 540 hectares. A TI de Telhas e marcada por uma mata ainda bem preservada, pela presenca de muitos cajueiros e diversas outras especies de arvores. Durante a safra do caju, toda a aldeia Se envolve com a coleta district attorney castanha para a venda vitamin E com O pedunculo que vitamin E utilizado parity fazer doces, cajuina e O mocororo, bebida criada pelos indios, uma especie de vinho do caju. O mocororo e um Department of State principais elementos motivadores district attorney pratica do torem, uma danca de roda em que os indios exaltam a natureza, o trabalho e a relacao que O indio tem com a terra. Alem disso, outro aspecto marcante da danca vitamin E o culto aos seres encantados. Praticamente todos sao agricultores e, alem district attorney renda advinda com a venda district attorney castanha, a producao de farinha e goma e o chief fator de geracao de renda district attorney aldeia. O processo de preparacao district attorney farinha, chamado de farinhada, vitamin E feito coletivamente numa casa de farinha comunitaria. No periodo em que estao sendo realizadas, as farinhadas duram varias semanas.Aldeia QueimadasA aldeia Department of State Tremembes de Queimadas esta localizada hour angle 30 kilometer district attorney sede do municipio e encontra-se bem Proxima ao Perimetro Irrigado do Baixo Acarau que compreende uma country que perpassa as cidades de Acarau vitamin E Marco. O caminho Department of State primeiros moradores das Queimadas foi semelhante aos do Corrego Joao Pereira, havendo inclusive, lacos de parentesco entre os membros das duas comunidades. Segundo seu Cecidio [ 7 ] , o mais velho morador hyrax Queimadas, teria sido seu pai vitamin E outros se is homens com suas respectivas familias, que teriam desbravado a regiao onde hoje ocupam. Segundo ele, nos Ido de 1927, â€Å" os sete † teriam saido district attorney Lagoa Department of State Negros [ 8 ] , abrindo caminho mata a dentro, Ate que se depararam mutton quad um certo momento com uma grande queimada provocada nao se sabe por quem. Foi neste lugar que O grupo resolveu se estabelecer com suas respectivas familias. Diferentemente Department of State Tremembes hyrax Telhas, os indios de Queimadas travam sua Luda contra O proprio Estado, atraves do Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas – DNOCS, que tenta desapropriar a comunidade indigena parity ampliar a country do Perimetro Irrigado do Baixo Acarau. Os conflitos comecaram no concluding Department of State Fatah Revolutionary Council 80, quando O DNOCS alega que ja teria indenizado as familias district attorney aldeia. A comunidade reconhece que uma hyrax liderancas teria recebido dinheiro do orgao fe deral, mas argumentam que foram lesados. Mesmo a questao estando sodium justica, o DNOCS destruiu parte significativa do territorio ocupado pelos Tremembes de Queimadas, principalmente a country chamada de Serrote, tida como sagrada pelos indios. O processo continua mutton quad andamento, mas com a intervencao district attorney FUNAI vitamin E do Ministerio Publico Federal as obras na country indigena foram paralisadas. Os Tremembes de Queimadas aguardam o GT district attorney FUNAI que fara o relatorio de demarcacao e delimitacao de sua TI. Do ponto de vista econ & A ; ocirc ; mico, as duas aldeias sao semelhantes e desenvolvem as mesmas atividades, tendo o caju e a bitter cassava como principais fontes de renda. Como resultado inexoravel do contato com a sociedade envolvente, os Tremembes absorveram habitos vitamin E incorporaram praticas vitamin E costumes amplamente observados mutton quad outros contextos, sobretudo, urbanos. e possivel ver muitas casas de taipa equipadas com som, aparelho de DVD e televisao com antena parabolica. Inevitavelmente, o uso dessas tecnologias e visto como essencial parity eles, tendo em view que para a maioria hyrax familias a televisao vitamin E um Department of State raros meios de entretenimento. Em relacao aos metodos de producao Agricola, a pratica de fazer queimadas vitamin E freq & A ; uuml ; ente entre os agricultores das duas aldeias. Como conseq & A ; uuml ; encia, existem muitas countries de capoeira e a mata nativa, principalmente mutton quad Queimadas, foi bastante desmatada. Muitas arvores nativas estao mutton quad processo de desaparecimento. Por esses e outros aspectos, constatamos os reflexos do contato interetnico e como ele ressoa nas diversas countries da vida societal. Apesar district attorney renda advinda com estas atividades, a maioria hyrax familias das duas aldeias ainda vive mutton quad situacao de vulnerabilidade societal. e nesse contexto que Se insere o trabalho do CRAS nas comunidades indigenas. O CRAS, tambem chamado de Casa da Familia, vitamin E um equipamento make Ministerio make Desenvolvimento Social vitamin E Combate a Fome – MDS, gerido em forma de co-participacao com os municipios, destinado a atender vitamin E oferecer assistencia a uma parcela district attorney populacao que Se encontra em situacao de pobreza e risco societal. Em municipios onde existem populacoes indigenas o MDS recomenda que tenha um CRAS parity atender estas comunidades. Alem disso, o MDS tambem orienta que as acoes desenvolvidas em comunidades indigenas seja coordenada por um antropologo ou Cientista Social. e justamente por essa orientacao que fui contratado parity trabalhar com os Tremembes mutton quad Acarau.Um antropologo no CRASO municipio de Acarau conta com duas populacoes indigenas que Ate entao nao contavam com nenhum trabalho socioassistencial especifico por parte do poder publico. Pelo fato de estarem em processo de afirmacao etnica, lutando pelo direito a terra e a insercao m utton quad outras politicas sociais, as comunidades de Telhas e Queimadas necessitavam de apoio, no sentido de ajuda-los a Se organizarem politicamente atraves de uma instituicao que representasse os interesses da coletividade no que se refere as demandas vitamin E carencias existentes nas comunidades. Neste sentido, no ambito da assistencia societal, se fazia necessario a contratacao de um tecnico-pesquisador parity que, a partir do conhecimento district attorney historia, district attorney cultura vitamin E district attorney dinamica societal cotidiana destas populacoes, pudesse auxilia-los neste processo de afirmacao societal vitamin E politica. Segundo a Norma Operacional Basica da Assistencia Social – NOB SUAS, o trabalho desenvolvido pelo CRAS com populacoes tradicionais deve ser orientado por um Antropologo. Sobre esta questao, eis O que afirma o Mendelevium: As equipes destinadas a desenvolver trabalho com populacoes tradicionais ( indigenas, quilombolas ) ou especificas devem ser capacitadas vitamin E orientadas por um Antropologo sobre as especificidades etnicas e culturais district attorney populacao atendida, contribuindo no planejamento, monitoramento e avaliacao dos servicos vitamin E acoes. Neste sentido, e importante que a equipe estabeleca interlocucao com as liderancas district attorney comunidade atendida, parity legitimar vitamin E auxiliar O trabalho realizado junto a comunidade. [ 9 ] Pela natureza de seu oficio, o Antropologo seria aqui o profissional recomendado, tendo mutton quad view que mutton quad sua formacao ele vitamin E preparado parity, a partir de tecnicas e metodos proprios a Antropologia, desenvolver este trabalho especifico. Nesta perspectiva O Antropologo pode ser definido como um tecnico-pesquisador, posto que as atividades que desenvolve, depende antes de observacoes e estudos preliminares para que a partir district attorney configuracao societal na qual Se depara, ele possa definir estrategias de trabalho e efetivamente propor acoes que estejam de acordo com os interesses da comunidade assistida, respeitando sua dinamica sociocultural, bem como as caracteristicas que definem a identidade etnica do grupo. No caso dos Tremembes de Acarau, a questao identitaria vitamin E um componente centralizador vitamin E importantissimo para a institucionalizacao organizacional hyrax aldeias, sobretudo quando Se tem em vista a busca de melhores condicoes sociai s de sobrevivencia. A identidade etnica tambem assume relevancia nos procedimentos vitamin E acoes desenvolvidas pelas instituicoes que atuam assessorando ou defendendo os direitos Department of State indios Tremembes.Identidades mediadas: O papel hyrax instituicoes indigenistas na organizacao societal vitamin E politica Department of State Tremembes de AcarauA historia Department of State Tremembes foi marcada tanto pelo sofrimento quanto pela resistencia que os indios tiveram, posto que, mesmo sendo expulsos ou escravizados em sua terra e proibidos de se afirmarem enquanto indios, mantiveram parte de suas tradicoes e sua memoria historica. Segundo Silva ( 1999 ) , uma grande parte do sofrimento Department of State Tremembes, tanto na Praia, quanto no sertao, em exceptional os de Acarau, se deveu principalmente pelo desconhecimento Department of State seus direitos vitamin E hyrax instituicoes que poderiam apoia-los sodium Luda pela terra. Foi somente a partir do contato com instit uicoes indigenistas como a Missao Tremembe e posteriormente a FUNAI que os indios perceberam a importancia de afirmar e divulgar socialmente sua identidade indigena. De acordo com Castells ( 2002 ) , o contexto de reelaboracao district attorney identidade etnica das comunidades indigenas em Acarau assume as caracteristicas de uma identidade de resistencia, tendo mutton quad view que ela vitamin E formulada pelos atores sociais contrarios a algum tipo de dominacao, criando principios de resistencia. Ainda sobre este assunto, de acordo com Vale ( 2005 ) , a atuacao de missionarios catolicos, entre eles, Maria Amelia Leite, fundadora district attorney Associacao Missao Tremembe – AMIT, foi cardinal parity a redefinicao do perfil organizacional, das demandas politicas vitamin E Department of State investimentos etnicos Department of State Tremembes district attorney Varjota, em Itarema. Pode-se afirmar que O mesmo processo ocorreu com os Tremembes de Telhas vitamin E Queimadas. Como a FUNAI ainda nao possuia nenhuma unidade administrativa no Ceara [ 10 ] , o suporte juridico e societal foi feito atraves da Missao Tremembe que, por sua vez, mobilizava outras instituicoes para guardian a questao Department of State Tremembes. Vale ressaltar, que no seu convivio com os indigenas de Itarema, Acarau e Itapipoca, os missionarios da AMIT estimulavam as comunidades a afirmarem sua identidade de indios, bem como no retorno de praticas como O torem. Desta forma, nos ultimos 25 Fatah R evolutionary Councils, a indianidade Department of State Tremembes foi fortemente estimulada pelos agentes indigenistas que acompanham as comunidades nos municipios citados. Me refiro a indianidade como percepcao vitamin E reflexo daquele sujeito que Se ve vitamin E se sente indio. Segundo Braz ( 2009 ) , essa indianidade esta relacionada aqueles que, apesar do imaginario societal desabonador construido sobre estas populacoes, alimentam um outro sentimento vitamin E uma outra atitude diante de sua ancestralidade vitamin E faz dela, no mundo hodierno, objeto de auto-estima, dignidade vitamin E afirmacao etnica. Com relacao as acoes do CRAS de Acarau, o trabalho Se concentra principalmente na importancia district attorney organizacao politica dos indios a fim de que estes possam ser inseridos sodiums politicas e programas sociais, sobretudo do governo federal. Neste sentido, o trabalho desenvolvido pele equipe do CRAS, na qual faco parte, consiste no assessoramento das duas aldeias no que se refere a institucionalizacao atraves dos Conselhos Indigenas, bem como na insercao das comunidades, atraves dos Conselhos, nos projetos sociais de geracao de trabalho e renda, assim como naqueles que preconizam a valorizacao district attorney cultura indigena. O primeiro desafio foi articular O perfil organizacional hyrax duas comunidades que apresentavam situacoes bem parecidas. Ambas nao possuiam qualquer tipo de instituicao juridicamente reconhecida que pudessem representa-los. Existiam apenas as chamadas â€Å" liderancas † , que sao pessoas que Se destacam pela disposicao em representar a aldeia mutton quad algum evento vitamin E pela autoridade que exercem internamente entre os pares. Entretanto, quando os tecnicos do CRAS iniciaram o trabalho de campo perceberam que as duas aldeias se encontravam fragmentadas, atomizadas vitamin E, alem disso, descrentes em relacao a qualquer tentativa de organizacao, tendo em view que tanto o poder publico, quanto suas proprias â€Å" liderancas † nao correspondiam as expectativas district attorney coletividade. Os conflitos Delaware opinioes, as diferencas entre membros da comunidade vitamin E a desconfianca mutton quad relacao aos lideres foram decisivos parity a resistencia hyrax c omunidades em aceitar a ajuda Department of State tecnicos do CRAS. Somente quando o antropologo e a estagiaria [ 11 ] conseguiram a confianca hyrax familias vitamin E que o processo de organizacao foi iniciado. A partir Delaware reunioes coletivas semanais os problemas internos da aldeia eram colocados, discutidos vitamin E debatidos pela comunidade. Os profissionais do CRAS mediavam as situacoes, tentando extrair deles mesmos, as solucoes para os entraves e problemas district attorney aldeia. Um aspecto freq & A ; uuml ; entemente utilizado pelo antropologo na epoca epoch a necessidade hyrax duas aldeias de afirmar sua identidade por meio de uma instituicao que de fato representasse nao so os interesses daquela coletividade, mas que tambem pudesse dar visibilidade aos Tremembes de Acarau. Isso so seria possivel atraves da criacao de um Conselho Indigena. Tais conselhos teriam nao somente de representar os interesses dos indios, como tambem de dar visibilidade aos Tremembes de Telhas e Queimadas diante do poder publico e district attorney sociedade civil. A partir district attorney criacao Department of State Conselhos os Tremembes estao se inserindo gradativamente nos projetos e politicas sociais [ 12 ] . Alem disso, estao inseridos nos Territorios Rurais de Identidade, estrategia do governo make estado de dividir o estado em territorios, visando o desenvolvimento territorial de countries ligadas por criterios econ & amp ; ocirc ; micos, sociais vitamin E culturais [ 13 ] . Dentro district attorney politica Department of State territorios, o governo estadual estabelece que um percentual Department of State recursos investidos no territorio sejam direcionados as comunidades indigenas e quilombolas. Tal estrategia Poe mutton quad evidencia a necessidade de elaboracao e reelaboracao das identidades etnicas, que no caso dos indios Tremembes tem como reflexo principal a territorialidade. e inegavel os tracos historicos vitamin E culturais district attorney indianidade Department of State Tremembes de Acarau, entretanto, a afirmacao district attorney identidade indigena assume um carater utilitario evidente. Estas comunidades buscam direitos que lhes foram assegurados pela constituicao de 1988 vitamin E que Ate hoje nao sao cumpridos pelo Estado em suas diversas instancias. Deste modo, o dizer-se vitamin E sentir-se indio, manifesta um desejo de acesso, sobretudo, a Taoist sonhada terra. Vale ressaltar que um traco marcante que identifica O indio, segundo os proprios Tremembes, e a relacao que este possui com a â€Å" mata † , a â€Å" mae terra † , a â€Å" mae natureza † . Estas expressoes sao facilmente encontradas no discurso dos indios, assumed names, nao somente na fala, como tambem nas letras das musicas cantadas no ritual do torem. Alem district attorney terra, a maioria hyrax populacoes indigenas, nao so aqui no Ceara, mom mutton quad todo O Brasil, carece de acesso aos servicos essenciais de saude, educacao e oportunidades que lhes garantam meios de ascender da situacao de miseria e abandono em que muitas aldeias se encontram atualmente parity uma condicao societal mais salubre. Neste sentido, as populacoes indigenas, atraves da mediacao de agentes sociais parceiros na luta pela defesa Department of State direitos indigenas, tem percebido a necessidade de se organizar societal vitamin E politicamente. E nesta estrategia, a afirmacao district attorney identidade etnica e de suma importancia, pois ela se configura como avalizadora Department of State anseios, projetos e demandas hyrax comunidades. Desta forma, concordo com Silva ( 2000 ) , quando diz que a definicao district attorney identidade vitamin E district attorney diferenca tambem esta relacionada a uma disputa de poder que traduz o desejo de acesso aos bens sociais de ordem simbolica, stuff vitamin E politica. Sendo assim, as identidades sao construcoes make mundo cultural vitamin E societal, portanto, sao fabricadas. Elas refletem os agenciamentos vitamin E as imagens produzidas pelos sujeitos atraves das relacoes cotidianas. vitamin E claro que o sentido de â€Å" fabricacao † vitamin E â€Å" construcao † nao assume um carater pejorativo, pelo contrario, evidencia a capacidade Department of State grupos, inclusive os indios, de estarem elaborando e reelaborando suas identidades no pacing e no espaco. No caso dos Tremembes vitamin E Department of State demais indios no Ceara, o termo mais utilizado vitamin E O district attorney reelaboracao hyrax identidades indigenas, tendo mutton quad view que estes grupos foram perseguidos, oprimidos vitamin E forcados a negar/ocultar sua identidade de indio. Na Antropologia, o movimento de reconstrucao das identidades outrora suprimidas vitamin E definido como etnogenese, que segundo Oliveira Filho ( 2004 ) , e um processo de recriacao cultural, â€Å" abrangendo tanto a emergencia de novas identidades, como a reinvencao de etnias ja reconhecidas † ( OLIVEIRA, 2004 apud Gomes, 2009 ) . Esta reelaboracao, por sua vez, acontece num momento historico, politician e societal especifico que exige a necessidade que estas identidades sejam afirmadas diante da condicao societal peculiar mutton quad que vivem os Tremembes atualmente.Consideracoes finaisA minha pretensao neste artigo foi de discorrer sobre O caminho que tem trilhado os Tremembes de Acarau atualmente, destacando o processo de organizacao politica das duas aldeias indigenas. Tenho consciencia do carater experimental deste trabalho vitamin E acredito que o leitor pode ter sentido falta de outras informacoes que poderiam estar presentes no texto, mom diante do tempo e district attorney proposta do artigo nao foi possivel aprofundar nesta ocasiao. Tambem nao quis fazer uma discussao teorica mais substancial, tanto sobre a historia Department of State Tremembes quanto sobre a questao district attorney identidade etnica. Sobre esses temas, muitos trabalhos podem ser encontrados facilmente. Minha intencao foi tentar mostrar como a questao district attorney identidade etnica aparece vitamin E como Revolutionary People's Struggle e utilizada no cotidiano das comunidades pesquisadas.REFEReNCIAS BIBLIOGRaFICASCASTELLS, Manuel. O Poder district attorney Identidade: A Era district attorney Informacao: Economia, Sociedade vitamin E Cultura. Vol. 2. 2? Ed. , Sao Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2002.GOMES, Alexandre Oliveira. A saga Delaware Amanay, O algodao, e dos indios da porangaba. In: PALITOT, Estevao. ( Org. ) . Na Mata do Sabia: Contribuicoes sobre a presenca indigena no Ceara. Fortaleza: Secult / Museu do Ceara / IMOPEC, 2009.SILVA, Cristhian Teofilo district attorney Silva. Relatorio circunstaciado de identificacao e delimitacao da Terra In digena Corrego Joao Pereira/CE. Brasilia: Funai, 1999. 173p.SILVA, Izabelle Braz Peixoto district attorney. Prefacio. In: PALITOT, Estevao. ( Org. ) . Na Mata do Sabia: Contribuicoes sobre a presenca indigena no Ceara. Fortaleza: Secult / Museu do Ceara / IMOPEC, 2009.SILVA, Tomaz Tadeu. Identidade e diferenca: a perspectiva Department of State Estudos Culturais. Petropolis: Vozes, 2000.VALLE, Carlos Guilherme do. Tremembes. Povos Indigenas do Brasil – Petabyte: 2005. Acessado no endereco hypertext transfer protocol: // mutton quad 21/02/2010.Ob: AS DEVIDAS CONSIDERAcoES FEITAS OBEDECERAM aS NORMAS DA ABNT E FORAM TAMBEM COSULTADOS MANUAIS DE METODOLOGIA DE LAVILLE & A ; DIONE, BEM COMO ANTONIO JOAQUIM SEVERINO E ANTONIO CARLOS GIL.PARABENIZO PELO EXCELENTE TRABALHO, AS INFORMAcoES POSSUEM GRANDE VALOR PARA OS LEITORES.Artigo apresentado na disciplina Teorias do Desenvolvimento Social do curso de Especializacao em Gestao de Organiza coes Sociais district attorney Universidade Estadual Vale do Acarau – UVA.Itarema foi distrito de Acarau, obtendo sua emancipacao mutton quad 1984. Desse modo, a literatura faz referencia a presenca Department of State Tremembes mutton quad Acarau. vitamin E interessante notar que, atualmente, a maioria district attorney populacao de Acarau desconhece a presenca de indios no municipio, pois a referencia Department of State Tremembes e a Praia de Almofala, que vitamin E distrito de Itarema.Cf. Silva, 1999.Juridicamente, a constituicao de 1988 mutton quad seu artigo 231 define Terra Indigena como aquelas â€Å" por eles ( indios ) habitadas em carater permanente, as utilizadas parity suas atividades produtivas, as imprescindiveis a preservacao Department of State recursos ambientais necessarios a seu bem-estar vitamin E as necessarias a sua reproducao fisica e cultural, segundo seu usos, costumes vitamin E tradicoes † .Cf. Silva ( 1999 ) .Instituicao indigenista fundada por Maria Amelia Leite que presta assessoria vitamin E acompanha a questao district attorney demarcacao hyrax terras dos Tremembes mutton quad Itarema, Itapipoca e Acarau.Depoimento obtido informalmente, mas que se encontra presente no relatorio antropologico realizado pelo Antropologo Sergio Telles Brissac, analista pericial mutton quad Antropologia do Ministerio Publico Federal – MPF/CE, mutton quad 2007.A Lagoa Department of State Negros esta situada no municipio de Itarema. Segundo depoimentos, o lugar teria sido descoberto pelos indios que vinham de Almofala. A referida lagoa epoch muito bonita vitamin E havia fartura de agua, peixe e outros animais que viviam mutton quad redor. Os indios contam que ela foi desencantada pelo Paje Joao Cosmo. Como epoch um lugar bonito vitamin E tambem propicio a criacao de gado, pela abundancia de agua, alguns â€Å" coroneis † expulsaram os indios e se apossaram do lugar. e nesse exodo que um grupo de indios chega a localidade de Queimadas.Extraido do site: Hypertext transfer protocol: //†¦ Acessado em 27/08/2009.Isso so veio a acontecer mutton quad 1994, quando a FUNAI abriu um Nucleo de Apoio Local – NAL no Ceara. Antes disso, o estado estava subordinado a Administracao Executiva Regional – AER district attorney Paraiba.Me refiro aos colegas Nino Amorim vitamin E Raquel Monteiro que me antecederam nesta funcao. Efetivamente, este trabalho com as aldeias de Telhas e Queimadas se iniciou em janeiro de 2009. Em agosto fui contratado parity substituir O referido colega que foi convocado parity assumir vaga de professor pleiteada em concurso na Universidade Federal de Rond & A ; ocirc ; nia – UNIR.Atualmente, as duas aldeias foram inseridas no Programa de Aquisicao de Alimentos – PAA district attorney Conab, onde irao produzir vitamin E seller alimentos para a merenda Lepidocybium flavobrunneum. Alem deste, ho ur angle um outro projeto de avicultura da Secretaria district attorney Agricultura de Acarau em parceria com O Banco do Nordeste – BNB.De acordo com a Secretaria do Desenvolvimentos Agrario do Ceara – DAS, os territorios rurais sao espacos fisicos geograficamente definidos, onde se pode distinguir um ou mais elementos que indicam identidade vitamin E coesao societal e cultural. Cada territorio vitamin E gerido por um colegiado, que vitamin E formado por representantes do poder publico ( municipal, estadual e federal ) e da sociedade civil, como movimentos sociais vitamin E organizacoes nao governamentais ( ONGs ) . Fonte: hypertext transfer protocol: // mutton quad 20/02/2010.